Hello and greetings from Canada, while I'm sure you are a very interesting person, Zing Pow doesn't collect, store, share or publish any personal information. I'm a coder who just likes writing great apps for the Microsoft Platform for the benefit of my users and I work hard to do just that.
Some of my apps do use Microsoft's Advertising Service and that service does collect some personal information so I would encourage you to review Microsoft's Privacy Policy here https://privacy.microsoft.com
NOTE if you have been invited and decided to join in on some of our product pre-release testing, I use HockeyApp to keep track of app usage, finding bugs, fixing crashes and your comments. All of the information sent from HockeyApp is anonymous and free of any user or contextual data. To be clear HockeyApp is used only during Beta Testing and isn't used in any of the final release products.
The Weather Barometer uses the device Barometer Sensor (device must have one for Weather Barometer to work correctly, otherwise you will see a warning informing you that the app was not able to find this sensor) and it also uses the Location service. Form the Barometer Sensor we get your local pressure (known as Station Pressure) and from the Location Service we get your location including elevation. We use the elevation to convert the Station Pressure to Mean Sea Level pressure which is what is reported on weather forecasts. We also store the pressure, location and time when you 'mark' a pressure. We do this so we can ensure that future pressure comparisons are relative you your current position and to determine the pressure trend. We also store app settings (such as which theme you want) and max and min values for display in a future version of the app for your interest. NOTE the app is designed to work without a data connection so when you are somewhere without a data connection Weather Barometer can still help you forecast your weather.
Winner Winner only stores the settings on the device and no other information is stored. Results of a draw can be emailed so you have a record of what devices were entered and what devices won prizes. Once the lists are cleared or the app exited, all device data is gone. REMEMBER pairing is not needed for devices to be discovered only that the contestant's device be placed in Bluetooth Discovery Mode.